
Welcome to Imagine!

At Imagine! We are big on providing an enriching and ‘enabling’ environment for our children, a positive environment that is filled with love and warmth, that makes our children feel Safe, Secure and Special. (3S).

We believe children develop best when all 3S’s are ticked, they are then able to confidently explore their environment. This notion sets the basis for our day to day activities; from our welcoming hugs to our sing – along songs, everything is intentionally set up to give a wide range of learning opportunities for our early learners.

Children learn best through a self – discovery process where they can try new things through play, exploration and exposure. This understanding makes us deliberate in our approach to learning – we ensure developmentally -appropriate learning opportunities that actively engages a child’s critical thinking skills and allows them to construct meaning from the world around them, helping them to become self -confident in their abilities to learn, to create, to imagine!

The first 7 years of a child’s life are the formative years, the most important period for basic learning and the fastest growth and intellectual awareness takes place within this time, We know the decision for which school to take your precious one is a very important one and here are reasons why you should choose us:

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an exceptional quality of education and childcare through a wealth of learning opportunities that exposes them to the world as they see it. To help them develop and grow as a whole; intellectually, physically, socially, cognitively, and emotionally in a safe and stimulating environment that breeds their natural curiosity and expands their minds to see the limitless possibilities in our world and then act on it.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to inspire children to realize the strength of their ability to be, to do, to imagine and to create the future we wish we lived in now