
A springtime adventure

Springtime Adventure: A Playdate at Imagine Early Years and Elementary School!

Join us for an unforgettable day of fun and exploration at our "Springtime Adventure" Playdate!

About our play date: This carefully crafted event is designed to nurture children's physical fitness, social interactions, emotional well-being, critical thinking skills, creativity, and healthy habits.

Experience the Wonder of Exciting Centers:

Spring Fling: Dive into aquatic fun with swimming activities perfect for the spring season.

Sunshine Play (Music and Movement): Dance to the rhythm of spring with lively music and engaging movement exercises.

Nurture Playground (Art/Face Painting): Unleash creativity with art projects and delightful face painting designs inspired by nature.

Blossoming Play: Sensory: Explore the wonders of spring through sensory experiences like animal hunts, playdough sculpting, and scooping adventures.

First Start Fun: Embark on exciting challenges with shape hunts, balancing games, bottle races, and captivating circus beats.

Fun Land: Enter a realm of laughter and joy with entertaining games like Trampoline Jumping and Egg Transfer.

Side Attractions:

Indulge in yummy treats like popsicles, popcorn, cotton candy, and ice cream from colorful stands. They'll help keep the children cool and happy all day!

Event Details:

29th June 2024
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
3B Gurara Street, Maitama, Abuja
7 weeks - 9 years
N10,000 per child and N20,000 for three children.

Join us for a day of laughter, learning, and springtime joy! Reserve your spot today.